Enrichment Programs In Communities
Progressive Learning. Dynamic Teaching.


Code Crafters
This course introduces foundational concepts of engineering.
Students will
-apply the scientific method to engineering
-demonstrate architectural designs
-enact physics concepts
-combine creativity and scientific exploration
-confront scientific considerations encountered in the engineering fields
-test the fortitude of their created structures
-identify scientifically defined types of force
Projects will include building catapults, bridges, rollercoasters, and mazes.
Students will apply the scientific method to engineering and demonstrate basic architectural designs and physics concepts. Each class will combine creative thinking and scientific exploration to create building projects such as catapults, bridges, mazes. Students will test the fortitude of their structures using different scientifically defined types of energy. As they observe and apply forces to their designs, students will become familiar with the scientific considerations faced by engineers.
COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: 1) consider earning a minor in math or pursuing it as a second major 2) a major in computer science can lead to being a designer, creator, and inventor of new technology.
3) Obtain vendor-specific or networking certifications to gain a competitive edge for some positions. 4) Obtain an area of specialization through a master’s degree or by doing advanced coursework.
COMPUTER SCIENCE SKILLS: 1) data analysis 2) computer and technology knowledge 3) software development 4) Mathematics 5) attention to detail 6)creativity 7) technical skills
A computer professional's work varies dramatically depending on the job. For example: Programmers write, test, debug and maintain the detailed instructions a computer must follow in order to work properly. Programmers write, test, debug and maintain the detailed instructions a computer must follow in order to work properly. Systems programmers produce software used by the computer's hardware such as disc defragmenters that reduce the amount of fragmentation in
file systems. Data-base specialists design and control the use of an organization's data resources. Telecommunications programmers and analysts develop and evaluate data communications software and hardware. Technical services managers and information systems directors supervise the technical staff responsible for operating software, telecommunications and data-base systems for a company or organization.
Applications Programmer
Artificial Intelligence
Commercial Programmer Analyst
Computer Graphics Specialist
Computer Sales Or Marketing Person
Data Base Manager
Data Processing Consultant
Multi-Media Specialist
Equipment Analyst
Hardware Research And Development
Management Information Systems
Marketing Support Specialist
PC Support Specialist
Information Technology
Internet Consultant
Customer/Technical Support
Quality Assurance
Technology Analyst
Operations Research Specialist
Scientific Programmer
Software Developer $107,510
Systems Analyst
Systems Development
Systems Engineer
Systems Manager
Systems Programmer
Technical Services
Telecommunications Programmer/Analyst
Games Developer
Network Administrator
Web Designer/Developer
Animation Specialist
Computational Linguist
Software Test Engineer
Systems Architect
1) computer support specialist $36-53k/ year 2) junior data analyst $45k/yr (bachelor's preffered) 3) help desk analyst $46k (associates or bachelors preferred)
Google IT Support Professional Certificate (beginner)
Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate (some prerequisites)
CERTIFICATIONS IN COMP SCI (W/ REQUIREMENTS): 1) professional software developer certification (offered by the IEEE Computer Society) : no prereqs but requires twp uears of college -> this certification validates skills for software developers w/ at least two years experience 2) COMPTIA A+ (offered by CompTIA) : no prereqs, recommends 9-12 months hands-on experience -> A+ prepares candidates to work as support specialists, field technicians, or desktop support analysts
Bachelor Degrees
BA or BS in Chemistry
data scientist
software tester
web developer)
systems analyst
business analyst
Masters Degrees
computer and information systems managers $146k
computer and information research scientists $122k
computer network architects $112k 4) software development engineer $109k
computer scientist $113
computer and information research scientist $118k